June 17

Welcome and Breakfast

Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
Bibliothèque centrale
400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Entry : A-M100
Metro access level (near la Verrière)

9:15 — 12:00

Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
Laboratoires sectoriels de micro-informatique. Local A-1900

Introduction to ArcMap Scripts and Tools

By Joël Rivard - Gerald Romme

This hands-on workshop will explore standard and custom ArcMap tools. Participants will be introduced to object-oriented programming principles using ModelBuilder (which is part of ArcGIS) and the Python programming language. With the use of web resources and ArcToolbox, existing scripts and extensions will be analyzed in order to understand how they can be used to perform tasks such as batch and geoprocessing operations.

9:15 — 16:30

Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
Laboratoires sectoriels de micro-informatique. Local A-1900

Cataloguing Maps in RDA (bilingual)

By Karen Jensen - Emanuel Actarian

The workshop aims to provide participants, through presentations and practical exercises, the basic knowledge and skills needed to describe and index cartographic materials in print and electronic form, according to RDA. A must for those who catalogue maps. (language: bilingual)

12:00 — 13:30

13:30 — 16:30

Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
Laboratoires sectoriels de micro-informatique. Local A-1900


By Simon Mercier

Cet atelier sera l'occasion pour les participants d'en connaître davantage sur OpenStreetMap, une plate-forme de diffusion cartographique open source. Les participants apprendront comment contribuer à ce projet alimenté en crowdsourcing et comment, avec le logiciel libre QGis, utiliser les données sources qui y sont diffusées. (language: french)
June 18

Preserving and Disseminating Cartographic Knowledge in the Digital Age

By Jonathan Dorey

This year, the theme of the conference, preserving and disseminating geospatial knowledge, touches upon three overlapping questions: how do we preserve maps and other geographic sources regardless of format; how do we use this cartographic heritage to understand the past and its contemporary traces; and what is the role of the map librarian and archivist in democratizing access to geospatial data? These questions are not only asked in the cartographic realm: government and community archives, public and school libraries, documentation centres and museums, all memory institutions are facing the same challenges. Preservation through use is one possible avenue to answer these questions. The enemy is not technological obsolescence or a lack of understanding of the information, but rather the act of forgetting: no longer knowing how to read a map, not knowing the historical context of the map, no longer having access to historical data, etc. This presentation will address each of these three points—preservation, use and access—by reconciling the preservation role and the dissemination role of professionals as well as the access role of users.

10:00 — 10:30

11:50 — 13:15

14:35 — 15:00

June 19

10:20 — 10:50

12:00 — 12:30

14:30 — 15:00